Thursday, June 23, 2011

Rich and Creamy Tomato Basil Soup

Most people dread going to their bi-annual dentist check-up. I don't know why, but I find it quite relaxing. The dentist assistants brush, floss, and rinse my teeth, letting me choose  the toothpaste flavor. Maybe it is because I still go to a pediatrics dentist, and they still let me choose stickers and prizes. But today, I felt like one of the thousands of people who want to wimp out on their dentist visit. Why, you ask? Teeth Extraction! Two teeths, in fact; and, I do not have a single cavity. I have worked hard to earn the no-cavity reputation, and yet I still have to endure the pain and soreness that one experiences when he or she recieves a steel crown or alloy filling.

After coming home from my operation, my constant drooling and wiping made me stop my Statistics studies. I went upstairs to read Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, assigned to me for my US History class, and fell asleep. I wished I did not wake up from my afternoon nap because the left-side of my face was sore and throbbing. To ease the soreness, my mom and I made this delicious and warm tomato soup. It sure put an end to my crabbiness, and I had the energy to take over my brother's duties of washing the dishes.

Rich and Creamy Tomato Basil Soup
Adapted from
  • 4 tomatoes- peeled, seeded and diced
  • 4 cups tomato juice
  • 14 leaves fresh basil
  • 1 cup heavy whipping cream
  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 4-6 carrots
  • sugar and pepper to taste 
Shred carrots and cut into finger-size pieces.
Boil the carrots until tender soft.
Place tomatoes and juice in a stock pot over medium heat.
Simmer for 30 minutes.
Puree the tomato mixture along with the basil leaves and carrots, and return the puree to the stock pot.
Place the pot over medium heat, and stir in heavy cream and butter.
Season with sugar and pepper.
Heat, stirring intil the butter is melted.
Do not boil.

Top with a spoonful of shredded cheddar cheese.
Serve with a grilled cheese sandwhich.

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